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A coin depicting Mercury stares at the Zodiac sign of Capricorn from the center of an antique, gold leaf astrological chart A coin depicting Mercury stares at the Zodiac sign of Capricorn from the center of an antique, gold leaf astrological chart

Mercury in Capricorn: Dream It, Scheme It

A teacup with the quote "liquid optimism" holding pens and drawing supplies

Mercury moves into earthy and feminine Capricorn today, bringing a grounded and strategic focus to our thoughts and communication. Saturn ruled Capricorn emphasizes responsibility and structure while focusing on long-term vision. Mercury, the messenger planet, emphasizes intellect and analysis, supporting strategic decision-making and meaningful dialogue. This transit is an ideal time to bring discipline to our creative ideas and goals. Words become purposeful, decisions are deliberate, and the focus shifts toward achieving tangible, lasting results.

Closeup of a leatherbound book with a depiction of a medieval character looking up at the clouds

Capricorn’s influence emphasizes quality and depth, urging us to create work that stands the test of time. While this energy is serious and can feel weighty, don’t forget to let your hair down once in a while! Embrace the challenge of finding creative solutions within boundaries, discovering innovation through structure. Reflect on where boundaries may have dissolved and consider establishing new, meaningful frameworks that foster opportunities for growth—for both yourself and those around you.

Set clear goals and break them into actionable steps to solidify your creative ideas into reality; stay organized and productive, and establish routines that will sustain you long after January 28th when Mercury has moved on in the sky. And, most of all, my Gods! Don't forget to celebrate your progress along the way! Even small milestones are steps toward meaningful achievement.


  • hahah I’m a pisces though. what’s a “long term vision”

  • This explains a lot. Thank you!


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