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Year Ahead Astrology Reading

Regular price $240.00

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This comprehensive reading weaves the prominent transits of the year with your unique natal placements and is designed to provide insightful perspectives to help you plan for the upcoming year. This reading delves into planetary alignments, transits, and astrological nuances to offer a grounded understanding of the energies at play. By tuning into these cosmic influences, you’ll have a leg up in navigating the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. This journey through the astrological mirror is designed to empower you with the knowledge needed to make informed decisions, fostering personal growth and resilience throughout the coming year.

Discover what’s in store in 2024 with a tour of the skies. In this session we will explore:

All planets Direct! Preparing for the wind under your wings

Pluto's final moves into Aquarius Deep transformations to pay attention to over the next 20 years.

Eclipse season in Libra and Ares. Explore the beginnings and endings that may be at play this year. 

The very exciting Jupiter and Uranus Conjunction See where unexpected opportunities may arise.

The nearing of the Saturn Neptune Conjunction How to gain clarity. 

Jupiter's transit through Gemini Growth and expansion to come

Mars retrograde The changes it may bring.

Each reading is one hour long and can be conducted in person, or through a video call. At the end of your session you will be provided with detailed notes including dates of the transits throughout the year as well as things to watch out for, a PDF of your natal chart, and any additional Information i.e. personal transits that may be prominent.

Please fill out the form below when you purchase your reading and include any specific questions or areas of your life that you'd like your reading to focus on. You will be contacted directly using the email provided to schedule your reading.

Astrology Reading Form

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